17 may 2011

Forget The Fallen

Forget The Fallen was born in June 2008 after the dissolution of the band X-Rated. It was created in order to achieve a more mature and aggressive sound, which would fit better with its members’ influences. Since then it has been a four-piece, formed by: Carlos David (Guitars), Daniel Vielma (Vocals), Gabriel Marcos (Bass) and Mario Prati (Drums). Two singles were premiered in September 2008, they were called “Nation” and “Borrowed Life”After that, Comegato Producciones asked them to perform in a festival which featured two well-known international bands: Agnostic Front from the United States and Sodom from Germany, among other local bands, which marked Forget The Fallen’s debut.

In October, the Dutch-Venezuelan band “Cultura Tres”, joined with Deadplan Records and Warlock records, invited them to be part of “The Deadplan Tour”.

In January 2009 Forget The Fallen decided to part ways with their drummer Mario Prati because of personal problems between him and some of the other members. During that same month they started to search for a new drummer and continued to focus on their new plans for the band.

After two months the search ends when Adrián Oviedo (Drums) and Luis Ángel Zambrano (Guitars) are accepted into the band. They adapted very quickly and gave a new face to the band. Forget The Fallen is currently working on new songs to hit the studio and record a two-song demo and later start working in their debut album.

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